Wednesday, March 01, 2006 |
double-g Army Doda Video |
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posted by ZanZiBaRi @ 4:57 AM | Permalink
qa ke ba ti o pidhh o mos te nin kush ta qift krej kosova nanen pidh ku luftove ti hajt se ke me luftu per jet tene po jo shum se ka me te shku ata kry me morra qe ma ki pisin e nanes ta qifsha (UÇK is the best & TBA)
Oj famile po double g jane ma te fortit ne kete vend,ju unikamutat nuk keni bëth me ardh ne kosove e ma teshni karin prej Amerikes, jav qifsha be ropt ngoj.Kur te vish ne Kosove kemi me ta qi familjen kemi me te vra be mut se ti weq me shit mend din e me vepru nuk ke zeme
heyy ju kur tja ndaloni dikujna me ardh ne KOSOVë hahahahahhaha bahet kijameti o bir i shkines ta qift alem dyjeja nanen o duda edhe krejt ata qe hajn mut unikkatili vjen ne kosov kur don ama kur don.... kush esht gilani spo e njohhhh kurr emrin per trimri nuk ja kam ni e tash jan dal do duda do kur gjoh hiqa ohhhhh motrat
o unikk ti je pinik mir e ka duda familen ta kum chi oj pichk nane ta qifsha katunarin e nanes o unikk pinik hahah tun asaj motres tane pichken e nanes unikkit tung kalofsh si hutm o more mut unikk une jom Double G Army une edhe kur te vdes dua te vdes me duden hej unikk at familen ka me ta qi duda ka me ta shti karin ta me pushit o hut o mut une jam o o unikk shka ki ka me ti prish ruju o hut o mut ???????????? o dud a spot lojn rehat be l\kto luca kto pinika hahahahahaha un i kom 13 vjet be shoq po kur tritna ka me re unikin me bisht kacijes hahahahahahahahahhaha????????????
o unik ski mi ja pa syt dudes o lesh se ka me ta qi nanen duda pse thojn dud se duda ti qi ropt o shoq double g army sa ka dallim prej unikkit uniki osht luc per dabellxhijen hahahah dud loqk tkom hahahahahahah
o unikk ti je hiphop llop top
krejt atynev qi sjon me rrebelin aj jav qift nanen edhe une bashk me to T.B.A 4 life.
Sdi pse pi ja kini qaq inati po kshtu veq e kallxoni veten se UniKKatiLi ju kopi ju plasi e un bashk me Tba-n juve jav ha at nan deshte sdeshte nese ske qi Pidh qije motren tane e bone sefte.Se me t'hi e me ti qi nShpi Rebeli ki me than a esht ky i vertet Unikkatili apo mu pom doket qe para syve mka ardh Egjeli kurr ska met ra nmen at emer per keq me Permen UniKKatiL-T.B.A-is the best me juve Shkupi-sidomos-Une deri sa te vdes. Sjam Reper,Sjam Kuller jam Pidh nane qe ti qi robt ngoj per ni fjal goje qe ti e thave .... Kush e ka Inati T.B.A-an robt ngoj ja qifsha seriozisht e kam:d
Hey duda ti qifsha motrat rebeli edhe tba ti qin ropt ski shons mu shty me unikkatiln aj ta qi nonen ska me tba ti smutan mun veq me fol naper konga aj kur te fol osht i gatshem per pasoja edhe pe shan veq se osht nanqim po te vjen inati qe di me knu ma mir se ti shko qiju me baben ton
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Hip hop music is a style of music which came into existence in the United States during the mid-1970s, and became a large part of modern pop culture during the 1980s. It consists of two main components: rapping (MCing) and DJing (production and scratching). Along with hip hop dance (notably breakdancing) and urban inspired art, or notably graffiti, these compose the four elements of hip hop, a cultural movement that was initiated by inner-city youth, mostly African Americans[1] in New York City, in the early 1970s.
Typically, hip hop music consists of intensely rhythmic lyrical form making abundant use of techniques like assonance, alliteration, and rhyme. The rapper is accompanied by an instrumental track, usually referred to as a "beat", performed by a DJ, created by a producer, or one or more instrumentalists. This beat is often created using a sample of the percussion break of another song, usually a funk or soul recording. In addition to the beat other sounds are often sampled, synthesized, or performed. Sometimes a track can be instrumental, as a showcase of the skills of the DJ or producer.
Hip hop began in The Bronx, located in New York City, when DJs began isolating the percussion break from funk and disco songs. The early role of the MC was to introduce the DJ and the music and to keep the audience excited. MCs began by speaking between songs, giving exhortations to dance, greetings to audience members, jokes and anecdotes. Eventually this practice became more stylized and became known as rapping. By 1979 hip hop had become a commercially popular music genre and began to enter the American mainstream. In the 1990s, a form of hip hop called gangsta rap became a major part of American music, causing significant controversy over lyrics which were perceived as promoting violence, terrorism [2], promiscuity, drug use and misogyny. Nevertheless, by the beginning of the 2000s, hip hop was a staple of popular music charts and was being performed in many styles across the world.
qa ke ba ti o pidhh o mos te nin kush ta qift krej kosova nanen pidh ku luftove ti hajt se ke me luftu per jet tene po jo shum se ka me te shku ata kry me morra qe ma ki pisin e nanes ta qifsha (UÇK is the best & TBA)